Many moons ago (actually it was more like Friday) my awesome friend Sarah sent me a link and told me it was a must see, and she was right! It was a tutorial on how to recycle an old sweater and an old pair of flats into sweater boots! UH-MAZE-ING! I knew I immediately must try this, even though it's been years since I've touched a sewing machine. And boy did this project remind me of my inexperience on multiple occasions. 
After having major thread issues, having untangle some parts and forgetting how they went back together into the machine, and overusing the phrase "MOMMMMMMMM I NEED HELP AGAIN!!!", I had to take a break. So the next day I went back into full swing and finished my new comfy sweater boots. To be honest, I now that I've done it, I want to do it a second time because I know it would turn out better. But for a first timer who had to dust off her sewing machine, it turned out pretty good. Also, the instructions say to use a thick sweater, but I like all of my thick sweaters so I was decided to cut up an old thin sweater and used a second layer of sleeves from an old hoodie. I will say it would have been a lot easier if I only had one layer to work with. I think I'm going to go investigate a thrift shop for a thick sweater for a second pair. 

Thank you Sarah for this awesome project! Also browse around on  Instructables because there is some pretty creative ideas on there. Great things to occupy your time on a rainy day! 


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